Pagan and Christian elements in Beowulf

Pagan and Christian elements in Beowulf

Beowulf is an epic poem highlighting a contention between Pagan and Christian convictions. Inside this setting there is a ceaseless topic of good versus abhorrent. Beowulf is a Christian legend who is blessed with superhuman qualities illustrative of agnosticism. He fights Grendel and Grendel's mom, agnostic beasts, whose genealogy can be followed back to Cain, a scriptural figure. A long time later Beowulf takes on a tremendous mythical serpent, an animal of agnostic folklore. The story starts with our saint Beowulf searching out an agnostic beast Grendel who is threatening the Danes. 

Beowulf gloats of his quality and decency and along these lines declares that he will battle Grendel barehanded. He accepts that God and the Fates will conclude who should win. At the point when Beowulf battles Grendel he shows his superhuman quality by having the option to rip Grendel's arm off. Grendel retreats and Beowulf claims triumph. In reprisal for her child's dismantling Grendel's Mother slaughters Hrothgar's dearest companion provoking Beowulf to look for her. 

At the point when he discovers her nest he again displays paganistic controls by having the option to hold his breath for quite a long time while he scans for her. During the battle Beowulf accepts he is being secured by God however again utilizes unnatural quality by getting a mammoth's blade "so gigantic that no common man could lift it. " Using this blade Beowulf slaughters Grendel's mom and executes Grendel subsequently freeing Herot of the shrewd animals. 

Almost fifty years after his fights with Grendel and Grendel's mom, Beowulf's realm is undermined by an awful mythical serpent. Despite the fact that he chooses to utilize protective layer and weapons, Beowulf is again given unnatural forces when he can withstand the mythical serpent's blazes. Subsequent to slaughtering the mythical serpent yet being mortally injured by it, Beowulf's confidant Wiglaf regulates the last rituals, a Christian custom, for Beowulf before he kicks the bucket. Beowulf's adherents construct a goliath tower to bury him, a to some degree paganistic custom. 

The nearness of Pagan and Christian traditions in Beowulf may appear to be an irreconcilable situation, however everything streams together to make an engaging story. This conflict of polar convictions was a typical issue. At the point when Beowulf was composed Christianity was on the ascent. It was spreading all through Europe and eastern Asia. This expansion in Christian convictions concurred with the destruction of agnosticism. Both of these varying thoughts were available all through the poem.