Elizabethan to Jacobean Era Mcq

Major dramatists of Elizabethan Age

John Lyly (1554-1606)
John Lyly was born in Kent in 1554. He received his education at Magdalen College, Oxford, from where he graduated in 1573 and completed M.A in 1575. Lyly is best known for his prose romance, Euphues, or the Anatomy of Wit (1578) and its sequel `Euphues and His England (1580)

Major Works
* Euphues, or The Anatomy of Wit (1578)
* Euphues and His England (1580)
* Campaspe (1584)
* Sappho and Phao (1584)
* Mother Bombie (1589
* Midas (1589)
* Love`s Metamorphosis (1589)
* Endymonion (1591)
* Gallathea (1592)
* Woman on the Moon (1597)

George Peele (1558-1596)
George Peele was born in London in 1558. In 1571, he went to Oxford . He completed his graduation at Christ Church in 1577 and completed M.A in 1579.

Major Works

* The Arraignment of Paris (1584)
* The Famous Chronicle of King Edward I (1599)
* The Battle of Alcazar (1594)
* The Old Wives` Tale (1595)
* The Love of King David and Fair Bathseba (1578)

Robert Greene (1558-1592)

Robert Greene is considered to be the founder of Romantic Comedy. Green was born in Norwich in 1558. He studied at St. John`s College, Cambridge, in 1575 and graduated in 1578.  

Major works -

* Mamillia (1583) is a romance. 
* Euphues: His Censure of Philaustus (1587) 
* Pandosto: The Triumph of  Wit (1588)
* The History of Orlando Furioso (1590)
*  A Looking Glass for London and England ( 1590)
* The Scottish History of James IV (1590)
* The Comical History of Alphonsus, King of Aragon (1590)
* Philomela (1592)
* A Quip for an Upstart Courtier (1592) 
* Honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (1594)

Thomas Lodge

His first literary work is 'Defence of Plays'. It is a pamphlet which was written in reply to Stephen Gosson's attack on stage plays. Lodge's best known play is his prose romance 'Rosalynde', which provided the plot for Shakespeare's 'As You Like it'. 

Major Works 

* An Alarum Against Usurers (1584)
* Scillaes Metamorphosis (1589)
* Rosalynde: Euphues Golden Legacie (1590)
* The Wounds of Civil War (1594)
* A Looking Glass for London and England [with Robert Greene]
* A Margarite of America (1596)
* A Treatise of the Plague (1603)

Thomas Nashe (1567-1601)

 was born at Lowestoft, Eastern England. He studied at  St. John's College, Cambridge and completed his 1557graduation in 1586.  His most significant work is his picaresque tale ' The Unfortunate Traveller or The Life of Jack Wilton (1594). This picaresque novel is also considered as the first historical novel in English Literature. 

Other Major Works

* The Anatomy of  Absurdity (1589)
* Preface to Greene's Menaphon (1589)
* An Almond for a Parrot (1590)
* Pierce Penniless (1592)
* Summer's Last Will and Testament ( first performed in 1592 and published in 1600)
* Christ's Tears over Jerusalem (1593)
* Terrors of the Night (1594)
* The Unfortunate Traveller (1584)
* Isle of Dogs (1597) 

-Thomas Kyd (1557-1594)

* The Spanish Tragedy or Hironimo is Mad Again (1589-1592)

Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)

* Dido, Queen of Carthage, pub in 1594
* Tamburlaine , p. 1590
* Dr. Faustus (1604)
* The Jew of Malta (1633)
* Hero and Leander, completed by George Chapman in 1598)
* Edward II (1594)