American Literature Multiple Choice Questions and answers

American Literature in English Literature Multiple Choice Questions and answers 

MCQs on American English Literature

MCQ on American literature with answer | Multiple Choice Questions on American Writers and their Literary works: 

MCQ on American Authors | Multiple Choice Questions on American Writers and their Works: American literature in English Literature

What is American Literature?

American Literature refers to works of literature Inthe English language in America. Washington Irving and James Fnimore Cooper were the first few writers. William Hill Brown wrote the first American novel "The Power of Sympathy. The period from 1820 - 1860s is known as the Romantic Period of American Literature or the American Renaissance.

Major writers of American Literature and their Literary works:

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Herman Melville
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • David Thoreau
  • Walt Whitman

Major writers of the Modern American Literature were:

  • Robert Frost
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • William Faulkner
  • Carl Sandburg
  • Edward Albee
  • Arthur Miller
  • Tennessee Williams

Most important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on American Literature in English 👇

Who discovered America ?

(A) Vasco da Gama

(B) Captain Cook

(C) Christopher Columbus

(D) Cabot

Ans. C

Who wrote the first American novel "The Power of Sympathy" ?

A. Washington Irving
B. James Fnimore
C. William Hill Brown
D. Nathaniel Hawthorne

Ans. D

The time period from 1820 - 1860s is known as the ________.

A. American Romantic Period
B. American Renaissance
C. American Reformation
D. All is correct except 'C'

Ans. D

The American Civil War ended in — 

(A) 1864 

(B) 1865 

(C) 1866 

(D) 1867 

Ans. B

Which of the following novels is not written by Ernest Hemingway?

(A) The Great Gatsby

(B) A Farewell to Arms

(C) For Whom the Bell Tolls

(D) The Old Man and the Sea

Ans. A

In Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, the old man hooks a fish. What is the fish called ?

(A) Swordfish

(B) Shark

(C) Marlin

(D) Whale

Ans. C

Whose collection of poems is called Leaves of Grass ?

(A) Whitman's

(B) Emerson's

(C) Edgar Allan Poe's 

(D) Frost's

Ans. A

When was the American Civil War fought?

(A) 1830-40

(B) 1815-1820

(C) 1861-1865

(D) 1825-1833

Ans. C

Who has written a poem on the assassination  of President Abraham Lincoln after the American Civil War ?

(A) Robert Frost

(B) Walt Whitman

(C) Emily Dickinson

(D) Emerson

Ans. B

Walt Whitman wrote a poem on the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. What is the title of the poem ?

(A) Song of Myself

(B) I sit and Look Out

(C) I Hear America Singing

(D) O Captain ! My Captain

Ans. D

Who is the author of the poem 'Animals' ?

(A) Emerson

(B) Whitman

(C) Frost

(D) Emily Dickinson

Ans. B

What is the central theme of Whitman's famous poem Passage to India ?

(A) Advancement of Science

(B) Intercontinental contacts

(C) Spirituality and Transcendentalism

(D) Glory of America

Ans. C

In which novel by Hemingway does Santiago figure ?

(A) The Sun Also Rises

(B) For Whom the Bell Tolls

(C) A Farewell to Arms

(D) The Old Man and the Sea

Ans. D

When was Ernest Hemingway born?

(A) 1898

(B) 1899

(C) 1889

(D) 1897

Ans. A

Brett Ashley is the central character in one of Hemingway's novels. Which one of the follow-ing?

(A) The Old Man and The Sea

(B) A Farewell to Arms

(C) The Sun Also Rises

(D) For Whom the Bell Tolls

Ans. C

When did Hemingway receive the Nobel prize for Literature ?

(A) 1952

(B) 1953

(C) 1954

(D) 1955

Ans. C

Who wrote 'Men Without Women', a collection of short stories ?

(A) Ernest Hemingway

(B) William Faulkner

(C) Mark Twain

(D) Wallace Stevens

Ans. A

 American Literature MCQs Questions/Answers in English Literature >> Multiple Choice Questions Answers on American literary works in English Literature

Which of the following novels of Hemingway is set against the background of the Spanish Civil War ?

(A) The Sun Also Rises

(B) For Whom the Bell Tolls

(C) A Farewell to Arms

(D) The Old Man and the Sea

Ans. B

Ernest Hemingway's Winter Takes Nothing is a-

(A) Poem

(B) Novel

(C) A Collection of Short Stories

(D) A Play

Ans. C

In which work Hemingway celebrated Bull fighting ?

(A) Death in the Afternoon

(B) The Torrents of Spring

(C) A Moveable Feast

(D) The Green Hills of Africa

Ans. A

Who is the protagonist of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises ?

(A) Santiago

(B) Robert Cohn

(C) Jake Barnes

(D) Brett Ashley

Ans. C

Which novel of Hemingway is based on the theme of Man's struggle against Nature ?

(A) A Farewell to Arms

(B) The Sun Also Rises

(C) The Old Man and the Sea

(D) The Green Hills of Africa's

Ans. C

Which novel of Hemingway won him the Nobel Prize for Literature ?

(A) A Farewell to Arms

(B) The Old Man and the Sea

(C) The Sun Also Rises

(D) For Whom the Bell Tolls

Ans. B

 When was William Faulkner born?

(A) 1897

(B) 1898

(C) 1900

(D) 1909

Ans. A

Who encouraged Faulkner to write novels ?

(A) S. Anderson 

(B) Robert Frost

(C) Wallace Stevens 

(D) Hemingway

Ans. B

When did Faulkner's first novel Soldier's Pay


(A) 1924

(B) 1927

(C) 1926

(D) 1928

Ans. C

Who wrote The Sound and the Fury ?

(A) Hemingway 

(B) Faulkner

(C) J. Farrel

(D) Wallace Stevens

Ans. B

When did Faulkner receive the Nobel Prize?

(A) 1948

(B) 1949

(C) 1950

(D) 1951

Ans. B

What was the original title of Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises ?

(A) The Bostonians

(B) The Virginians

(C) Fiesta

(D) Catcher in the Rhye

Ans. C

What was the original title of Hemingway's last novel The Old Man and the Sea ?

(A) Fiesta

(B) The Sea in Being

(C) The Assistant 

(D) Farewell to Arms

Ans. B

Robert Frost was born in the year-

(A) 1867

(B) 1874

(D) 1886

(C) 1882

Ans. B

Robert Frost was-

(A) A British poet settled in America

(B) An America poet settled in England

(C) A Canadian poet

(D) An American poet

Ans. D

Robert Frost died in- 

(B) 1963

(A) 1899

(C) 1942

(D) 1934

Ans. B

Which one is a collection of poems of Robert Frost

(A) A Boy's Will

(B) North of Boston

(C) Mountain Interval 

(D) All of these

Ans. D

In which collection of poems of Frost are his poems 'Mending the Wall' and 'The Death of the Hired Man' included ?

(A) A Boy's Wills 

(B) North of Boston

(C) Mountain Interval 

(D) A Witness Tree

Ans. B

Frost's poems Birches and The Road Not Taken are included in his poetical collection-

(A) A Boy's Will

(B) North of Boston

(C) Mountain Interval 

(D) A Witness Tree

Ans. C

Whom did Frost describe as "the only brother ever I had”?

(A) Walt Whitman 

(B) E. Thomas

(C) Faulkner

(D) Emerson

Ans. B

Who described Frost's philosophy as “Simple Woodland Philosophy" ?

(A) E. Thomas 

(B) Trilling

(C) N. Douglas 

(D) Whitman 

Ans. C

Who called Frost a "Poet of terror"?

(A) E. Thomas

(B) Trilling

(C) N. Douglas

(D) Whitman

Ans. B

Which of the following has been called a "proletarian epic" ?

(A) Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea

(B) Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby to bons

(C) Steinback's The Grapes of Wrathood

(D) Faulkner's Light in August

Ans. D

Who is the protagonist in Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea ?

(A) Santiago

(B) Marlin

(C) Manolin

(D) Robeston

Ans. A

Absalom, Absalom is a novel written by-

(A) Faulkner

(B) Steinbeck

(C) Fitzgerald 

(D) Hemingway

Ans. A

Who said, 

"But I have promises to keep

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep."

(A) Robert Frost

(B) William Faulkner

(C) Wallace Stevens

(D) Hemingway

Ans. A

Who said, "Earth is the right place for love" ?

(A) Wallace Stevens

(B) Robert Frost

(C) Emily Dickinson

(D) William Faulkner

Ans. B

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