MCQ ON CHAUCER | English Literature MCQs


CHAUCERIAN PERIOD MCQS from History of English Literature | Multiple Choice Questions on Age of Chaucer in English Literature

Mock test on English Literature with answer, from CHAUCERIAN PERIOD


Answers are given below 👇

1. Between which sets of dates did Chaucer live?

(A) 1340-1400 

(B) 1345-1400

(C) 1348-1400 

(D) 1349–1400 

2. Chaucer lived during the reigns of_

 (A) Edward III and Richard II

(B) Edward III and Henry IV

(C) Richard II and Henry IV

(D) Eward III, Richard II, and Henry IV

3. Which of the following was the closest contemporary of Chaucer?

(A) John Gower 

(B) William Langland

(C) Wyclif 

(D) John Barbour

4. Who called Chaucer "the Father of English Poetry" ?

(A) Sidney 

(B) Spenser

(C) Dryden

(D) Arnold

5. Who described Chaucer as "The Well of English Undefiled" ?

(A) Dryden 

(B) Spenser

(C) Pope

(D) Sidney

6. "With Chaucer is born our real poetry." Who holds this view ?

(A) Matthew Arnold

(B) Spenser

(C) Dryden

(D) Addison

7. "Chaucer found his native tongue a dialect and left it a language." Who makes this observation ?

(A) I. A. Richards 

(B) F.R. Leavis

(C) Lowes 

(D) Walter Pater

8. "Chaucer is the earliest of the greate moderns." Who holds this view ? 

(A) Dryden

(B) Ben Jonson

(C) T.S. Eliot

(D) Matthew Arnold

9. "If Chaucer is the Father of English Poetry, he is the Grandfather of the English Novel."

Who makes this remark?

(A) Walter Pater

(B) Ruskin

(C) G.K. Chesterton Norty

(D) Coleridge 

10. Who says about Chaucer's 'Characters'

"Here is God's Plenty."

(A) Dryden

(B) Dr. Johnson

(C) Pope

(D) Coleridge

11. In which month did Chaucer's pilgrims go on their pilgrimage ?

(A) January

(B) February

(C) March

(D) April

12. How many pilgrims in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales are going on the pilgrimage?

(A) 27

(B) 29

(C) 30

(D) 31

13. How many pgrims in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales represent the knighthood class ?

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

14. How many eclesiastical characters are portrayed in the Prologue ?


(B) Six

(C) Seven

(D) Eight

15. How many women characters figure in the at Prologue to the Canterbury Tales ?

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

16. It is believed that the Host at the Inn was a real man. What is the name of the Host ?

(A) Henry Bailly 

(B) Harry Bailly

(C)Horney Bailly 

(D) Hoary Bailly

17. What is the name of the Inn where the pilgrims assemble for the night ?

(A) Southwark Inn 

(B) Temple Inn

(C) Tabard Inn

(D) St. Becket Inn

18. To which shrine are the pilgrims going?

(A) Shrine of St.Agnes at Canterbury

(B) Shrine of St. Lucas at Jerusalem

(C) Shrine of St. Thomas a' Becket at


(D) Shrine of St. Mark in Southwark

19. One of the Tales in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is in prose. Which of the following ?

(A) The Pardoner's Tale 

(B) The Parson's Tale

(C) The Monk's Tale

(D)The Knight's Tale

20. One of the portraits in the Prologue is that ot the Wife of Bath. What is Bath ?

A) The Christian name of the lady

B) The surname of the lady

C) The name of her husband

D) The name of the town to which she belonged


1. A, 
2. D, 
3. B, 
4. C, 
5. B, 
6. A, 
7. C, 
8. D, 
9. C, 
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. D

See Also >>  

1. In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, how many pilgrims were going to Tabard including Chaucer and Hurry Baily, the host of the pilgrims?

A. 26
B. 29
C. 27
D. 31

Ans. D

2. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales begins with the tale of __?

A. Host's Tale
B. Parson's Tale
C. Night's Tale
D. Tale of Sir Thopas

Ans. C

3. Among the following tales which one was told by Chaucer himself in his Canterbury Tales?

A. Host's Tale
B. Parson's Tale
C. Night's Tale
D. Tale of Sir Thopas

Ans. D

4. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ends with the tale of __?

A. Host's Tale
B. Parson's Tale
C. Night's Tale
D. Tale of Sir Thopas

Ans. B

5. "Chaucer’s humour is a humour in the grand style." Who said this about Chaucer ?

A. G.K. Chesterton
B. Spencer
C. Lowes
D. Dryden

Ans. A

"He found English a dialect and left it a language." ------ Who remarked thi statement about Chaucer ? 

A. G.K. Chesterton
B. Spencer
C. Lowes
D. Dryden

Ans. C

 In which tale of Chaucer, a daughter is killed by her father?

Ans. The Physician's Tale

Q6: In Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' which tale deals with two young Theban warriors ?

Ans. The Night Tale

Q7: In which story of Canterbury Tales the character of Griselda appears ?

Ans. The Clerk's Tale

Q8: Chaucer's first attempt in English to use the heroic couplet occurs in - 

Ans. 'The Legend of Good Women

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Who is the father of Modern English Poetry? 

(a) Cynewulf 

 (b) Geoffrey Chaucer 

 (c) Robert Browning 

 (d) None of the above 

Ans. b 

Chaucer's 'The Canterbury Tales' are told by- 

(a) Geoffrey Chaucer 

 (b) John Wycliffe 

 (c) Boccaccio 

 (d) Thomas Barth 

Ans. a 

Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales is as alive and _________ today as it was nearly 600 years ago.

Fill in the blank with the following options. 

(a) appealing 

 (b) fruitful 

(c) repelling 

 (d) enchanting 

Ans. a 

Geoffrey Chaucer wrote which one of the following book? 

 (a) Canterbury Tales 

 (b) Piers Plowman 

 (c) Morte d‘ Arthur 

(d) The Maid‘s Tragedy 

Ans. a